Custom FreePBX Development

FreePBX is a one of the most popular PBX platforms in the world, and we love it. It comes with some very nice features out-of-the-box, and has addon Commercial Modules that greatly extend the capabilities of this powerful SMB tool. Sometimes, however, the built-in or addon tools don't address all needs. In those instances, companies have one of a few options: They can look for another PBX product that can do what they want (usually at a much higher cost), deal with the missing feature (and be less optimized), or they can have their unique requirements developed and deployed to their FreePBX server. This is where SMB Texas shines.

We are FreePBX Experts

SMB Texas has worked with FreePBX for more than 15 years, and Asterisk (the underlying PBX software) for almost 20. In that time, we've built countless custom modules and addons for specific needs with many different partner companies. Some examples of this are:

  • Custom CRM integrations
  • Post-call survey module with automatic text-to-speech
  • Call routing based on CRM ticket assigned agents
  • Automatic call recording upload to ticket system
  • Call recording disable triggers to comply with PCI requirements for sensitive data
  • A custom inbound caller authentication mechanism that was updatable by the client through the GUI
  • Tracking inbound calls in Google Analytics for marketing metrics
...and many more!

Our extensive knowledge of FreePBX, along with our long history of building customized tools, makes us the perfect partner for you. Please use the button below to contact us, or give us a call or text us at 713-909-0123. We look forward to building cool stuff together!

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